
Counter-APT Training

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Build Your Skills & Up Your Game

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Learn From The Best

Take your cyber security defense to the next level

Our instructors are recognized throughout the cyber security world as the best cyber intelligence investigators and reverse engineers. Their specializations vary from mobile malware research, and reverse engineering, to technology development. Our experts are often invited to participate in international events and are a sought after speakers in shaping policies and defense strategies to combat Advanced Persistent Threats.

Our instructors have designed and delivered numerous courses in computer science, information technology and engineering at higher level institutes across the globe. It is their personal mission to build upon and disseminate ARC4DIA’s technical expertise, in order to help businesses to protect and defend themselves from cyber threats.

  • Experienced instructors - thousands of hours of operational experience 
  • Courses tailored to any student level - basic lab exercise building to force-on-force scenarios 
  • Exclusive content - access to knowledge and skills from some of the top minds in cyber security
  • Cutting-edge tools and techniques - exposure to advanced and complex tools and tradecraft 

The RESULT: Top line operational knowledge to enhance your cyber security team’s tactical advantage


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